• Blower Door Test in Progress
    Whole Home Energy Audits
    Find out what’s making your home cold, drafty, and expensive to heat.

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Home Energy Medics is a well respected, full service home performance company. We conduct energy audits to address home comfort, energy efficiency, and homeowner health and safety. Our team is comprised of building science experts and engineers that hold multiple certifications through the Building Performance Institute. We work closely with homeowners to prioritize and fix problems with cost effective solutions.

Just looking for additional insulation in your attic or sealing up air leaks? Did you know that making certain changes to your home can result in unforeseen consequences? That is why we always recommend a full home energy audit by Home Energy Medics prior to implementing any efficiency measures. This will provide a full view of your house, it's systems and what can be done to improve ALL areas of your home. Best of all, we refund all or part of the audit cost when you choose to have us implement the solutions.

Our Clients Love Us!

I knew I had problems with the HVAC in my condo when I had high energy bills and a lot of humidity. Home Energy Medics was recommended by Dominion Energy and had high reviews so I gave them a call. They recommended that I insulate the ducts in my condo.

Mary B, Alexandria, VA

What we do

Home Energy Audits

Duct Sealing & Repair

Insulation & Air Sealing

And More